Bienvenue sur mon blog franglais. Make yourself comfortable, et hydratez vous! Browse Neocities for fun
Ceci est ma premiere experience avec le langage html, please be kind. I'm also busy AF donc le site va rester tres rudimentaire pendant un mechant boute. Will update when I feel like it :)
I write in french, joual, and english depending on how I feel and I often mix languages. I know it clashes for a lot of people, but it's who I am... Pi si t'es pas content r'tourne dans ton site! I also don't see myself writting everything both in french and english since this is only for fun and self-expression.
It's a mix between the french word for gameplay "jouabilité" and its older english translation "playability". C'est aussi une bonne representation de ma position sur l'usage de differentes langues.